2 Samuel - Chapter-19

Chapter Summary

Joab reproaches David's return to the throne.

Discussion Questions for 2 Samuel, Chapter 19

  1. Reflecting on verse 4, David covers his face and cries out for Absalom. How do we deal with complex emotions, especially when they involve loved ones who have caused us pain or disappointment?
  2. In verse 5, Joab confronts David, saying he has humiliated his men by mourning for Absalom. How do we balance personal grief with our responsibilities to others, especially in leadership roles?
  3. Verse 7 shows Joab urging David to go out and encourage his men. How do we find the strength to fulfill our duties when we are emotionally drained, and what role do others play in helping us regain our focus?
  4. Reflecting on verse 9, the people of Israel argue among themselves about bringing David back as king. How do we handle disagreements and divisions within our communities, and what steps can we take to promote unity?
  5. In verse 11, David sends word to the elders of Judah asking why they are the last to bring him back. How do we address situations where others are slow to act or support us, and what can we learn about patience and communication?
  6. Verse 13 shows David offering Amasa the position of commander over Joab. What can we learn about forgiveness, reconciliation, and the willingness to give others a second chance?
  7. Reflecting on verse 14, David’s message sways the hearts of all the men of Judah. What does this reveal about the power of words and leadership in influencing others, and how can we use this influence positively?
  8. In verse 18, Shimei, who had previously cursed David, comes to meet him and asks for forgiveness. How do we respond to those who have wronged us when they seek forgiveness, and what role does grace play in our interactions?
  9. Reflecting on verse 24, Mephibosheth comes to meet David and explains why he did not join him earlier. How do we seek to understand the circumstances of others before making judgments, and what does this teach us about empathy?
  10. Verse 32 mentions Barzillai, an elderly man who provided for David during his stay in Mahanaim. What can we learn about generosity, especially from those who may have less to give or are in vulnerable positions themselves?

Key Words/Phrase

Return, v. 14.


David, Joab, Zadok, Abiathar, Shimei, Ziba, Abishai, Mephibosheth, Barzillai, Chimham, Amasa.

Strong Verse(s)

22, 23.