2 Samuel - Chapter-18

Chapter Summary

Battle of Mount Ephriam. Slaying of Absalom.

Discussion Questions for 2 Samuel, Chapter 18

  1. In verse 1, David organizes his troops for the battle against Absalom. How does careful planning and organization impact the success of our endeavors, and how can we apply this principle in our personal and professional lives?
  2. Reflecting on verse 2, David divides his men under three commanders. What does this delegation of responsibility teach us about effective leadership and teamwork?
  3. In verse 3, David’s men advise him not to go into battle with them. How do we discern and accept wise counsel from others, especially when it contradicts our own plans or desires?
  4. Verse 5 shows David commanding his commanders to deal gently with Absalom. How do we balance justice and mercy in difficult situations, and what does this teach us about David’s character as a father and leader?
  5. Reflecting on verse 7, where 20,000 men are killed in the battle, what can we learn about the devastating consequences of conflict, and how can we strive to resolve disputes peacefully in our own lives?
  6. Verse 10 describes a man seeing Absalom hanging in the tree but not killing him, as he feared David’s reaction. How do we navigate situations where our actions are influenced by the expectations or commands of others?
  7. Reflecting on verse 14, Joab disregards David’s command and kills Absalom. What does this act of disobedience reveal about Joab’s character, and how do we handle situations where we feel compelled to go against authority?
  8. In verse 17, Absalom is buried in a pit in the forest and covered with a large heap of stones. What does this unceremonious burial signify, and how do we show respect or disrespect for others in their times of vulnerability?
  9. Reflecting on verse 20, Joab advises Ahimaaz not to bring the news because the king’s son is dead. How do we approach delivering difficult news to others, and what considerations should guide us in these moments?
  10. In verse 33, David mourns deeply for Absalom, crying out in grief. How do we process and express our grief and sorrow, and what support systems can help us through times of intense emotional pain?

Key Words/Phrase

Avenged, v. 31.


God, David, Absalom, Joab, Abishai, Ittai, Ahimaaz, a Cushite.

Strong Verse(s)

31, 33.