2 Peter Chapter 2 Summary
Warnings concerning apostate teachers.
Discussion Questions for 2 Peter, Chapter 2
- According to verse 1, how do we know that “there will be false teachers among you” (CSB)? Why is it important to be aware of the possibility of false teachers in our midst?
- One of the marks of many false teachers is that they deny “the Master who bought them” (verse 1, CSB). Why is it important to understand clearly who Jesus is? What might happen if we believe in a different Savior?
- Peter says that false teachers cause people to “follow their depraved ways” (verse 2, CSB). Why might a false belief lead to depraved behavior?
- Peter writes that false teachers exploit in their greed those whom they mislead (cf. verse 3). Why are many believers so vulnerable to being exploited by false teachers?
- Verse 3 teaches that false teachers are condemned and will be destroyed. By stating this, what do you believe Peter is hoping will happen? Why will God condemn and destroy false teachers?
- In verses 4–10, Peter uses the examples of the sinning angels, the world in Noah’s day, the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, and righteous Lot to reinforce his belief in rescue for the godly and punishment for the wicked. If God has acted a certain way in the past, how sure can we be that He will act similarly in the future? Why is the past a guide for us?
- Verse 9 speaks about the Lord rescuing the godly from trials. Does this mean that the godly will never experience trials? What informs your belief about this?
- Another mark of many false teachers is that they despise authority, even slandering spiritual beings that are greater in authority than themselves (v. 10). Why would it be important to follow the example of holy angels, who are greater in might and power than ourselves (cf. v. 11)? What would it mean to follow their example?
- False teachers often have eyes full of adultery that never stop looking for sin (verse 14, CSB). What is it about false teachers that drives many of them toward sexual sins? If a teacher is involved in unrepentant sexual sin, what should be our response?
- Peter describes these false teachers as having “known the way of righteousness” (verse 21, CSB). Do you believe that this means that they are Christians? Or do you believe that they were exposed to Christian teaching and yet remained unbelievers? What in the text would make someone think that false teachers are false Christians?
Key Words/Phrase
False teachers, v. 1.
God, Christ, Noah, Lot, Balaam.
Strong Verse(s)
1, 9.