2 Kings Chapter 9 Summary

Jehu annointed king of Israel. Slays Jehoram, Ahaziah and Jezebel.

Discussion Questions for 2 Kings, Chapter 9

  1. Why did Elisha instruct his messenger to move quickly and act discreetly? What does this say about God’s message and His good news?
  2. Why did Elisha have Jehu, instead of one of the other military leaders, anointed as king of Israel? Why didn't he go and do it himself? Do you believe God sets individuals apart for particular tasks? If so, what do you believe is your God-given assignment?
  3. Why do you think Jehu was hesitant to tell his comrades what the prophet said to him?
  4. Why do you think Jehu’s comrades were so quick to endorse him as king?
  5. Why do you think Jehu went from being hesitant to tell his comrades to decisive in action so quickly? Have you ever felt the need for urgency in carrying out the Lord’s call on you? What did you do?
  6. Why was Jehu unwilling to live at peace with Joram any longer? None of the surrounding nations worshipped God; so why was Jezebel’s spiritual corruption so intolerable?
  7. What were the whorings and the sorceries…of Jezebel? (ESV) In what ways do people today commit spiritual adultery? Is it more grievous for leaders to engage in such activities than for regular people? Why?
  8. It was not uncommon for kings to take things by force, even killing those who stood in their way; so why had the Lord made this particular pronouncement against Ahab?
  9. How was Jehu’s will contrary to God’s will concerning Jezabel’s body? Was his desire evil? Whose will was ultimately fulfilled? What happens when we try to do God’s work, our way?
  10. What can we learn about God by reading His pronouncement and the fulfillment of His pronouncement concerning Jezebel?

Key Words/Phrase

Sin requitted, vv. 26, 36.


God. Elisha, a prophet, Jehu. Jezebel, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Ahab.

Strong Verse(s)