2 Kings Chapter 5 Summary

Naaman the Syrian healed by obeying Elisha's word.

Discussion Questions for 2 Kings, Chapter 5

  1. How do you define a “great man or woman”? What made Naaman a “great man”?
  2. What was Naaman’s illness? This illness was seen as a shortcoming in Naaman’s life. What things does the world say makes us “less than”? Why do failures often define us rather than our successes? How does God see us?
  3. How does the king of Israel respond to the letter from the king of Syria? How does he fail to see God in the situation? What are times when you have failed to see God in a situation that looked hopeless?
  4. How does Naaman respond to the instructions of Elisha? Have you ever questioned God’s instructions in your life? How have you responded both positively and negatively to the instructions of God?
  5. Was God faithful to heal Naaman when he obeyed the instructions of Elisha? How has God demonstrated His faithfulness in your life when obeying His instructions?
  6. How does Naaman respond to the prophet and God after he is healed? How do you respond to God when he blesses you? How can you model gratitude that reflects the faithfulness of God?
  7. How did greed manifest itself in the life of Gehazi? In what ways can greed manifest itself in your life?
  8. Was Gehazi honest with Elisha? Why do you think Gehazi was dishonest?
  9. How was Gehazi punished for his deceit? In what ways does God punish deceit in the hearts of unbelievers?
  10. Elisha told Gehazi that leprosy would be upon him and his descendants. How does your sin impact the coming generations? What are examples of past sin that have a generational implication?

Key Words/Phrase

Leper cleansed, vv. 1, 14.


God, Elisha, Naaman, maid, Syrian king, king of Israel, Gehazi.

Strong Verse(s)

13, 15.