2 Kings Chapter 3 Summary
Accession of Jehoram over Israel. Moab rebels against Israel. Elisha's reproof of alliance between Jehoshaphat and Jehoram. Defeat of Moabites.
Discussion Questions for 2 Kings, Chapter 3
- Do you justify your sin? Jehoram did evil in the sight of God, but not like his fathers. What sin have you continued to hold on to, that needs to be confessed and repented of before God?
- The King of Judah links arms with the unbelieving king of Israel. What danger was there for the king of Judah to link arms with the king of Israel? What is the danger for believers to link arms with unbelievers?
- The three kings were in danger before the war started because of lack of water for the horses. Do you think the kings had considered this need before heading into battle? What might have kept them from considering this need? How does your sin blind you from important things that should be considered?
- Lack of water humbles the kings. In what ways does God humble believers? How has God humbled you?
- Elisha shows respect to Jehoram because of his position, but speaks the truth. How can you respect those in a position of power while also speaking the truth to them?
- Before God provides water, the king's faith is tested. In what ways has God tested your faith? How can you prepare for receiving the blessings of God?
- Verse 18 says God providing water was a light thing. What have you falsely believed is too big for God in your life? What have you not asked for because you believed He would not provide it?
- The Moabites were deceived to think the kings had battled against one another. What does the enemy use to deceive you? How has deceit caused you to miss God's blessing?
- The King of Moab sacrificed his own son in an attempt to gain victory; however, God does not ask for human sacrifices. Has your sin ever caused you to sacrifice your family, friends, co-workers? What causes us to pursue our sin at the expense of others?
- What wrath comes from God when you continue in your sin? How does God use His wrath to draw us closer to Him?
Key Words/Phrase
Victory, v. 18.
God, Jehoram, Jehoshaphat, Mesha, king of Moab, king of Edom, Elisha.
Strong Verse(s)