2 Kings Chapter 24 Summary
Jehoikim tributary to Nebuchadnezzar. Reigns of Jehoikim, Jehoichin and Zedekiah. Deportation to Babylon.
Discussion Questions for 2 Kings, Chapter 24
- How does Jehoiakim's reign, particularly his defiance against the Babylonians and his oppression of his own people, set the stage for the events depicted in the book of Daniel? Moreover, in what ways do Jehoiakim's actions and decisions contribute to the broader narrative of God's sovereignty and judgment, as seen in the experiences of Daniel and his companions?
- Reflecting on God’s response to the rebellion of His people, how do we reconcile His patience and mercy with His justice and righteousness? Additionally, what does Scripture reveal about the consequences of rebellion against God, and how does understanding these truths inform our understanding of God’s character and His dealings with humanity?
- How is God’s justice poured out upon the nation of Israel? How is God’s justice poured out upon us? How is God’s justice poured out upon Christians?
- Do you think that the evil kings were satisfied with their life? Why or why not?
- In light of 2 Kings 24:5, which states that “there was no one like [Josiah], who turned to the Lord with all his heart, soul, and strength,” how does Josiah's example inform our understanding of where Christians are supposed to find satisfaction in this life? Furthermore, how can we emulate Josiah's devotion to the Lord in our own lives, and what practical steps can we take to deepen our satisfaction and fulfillment in Him?
- Why do you think that the author of 2 Kings focused so much on the acts of the kings, both good and bad? What about their hearts? What does this tell us about our own hearts?
- Considering Jehoiakim's decision to submit to the king of Babylon, what factors may have influenced his choice, and how do his actions reflect the complexities of leadership and decision-making in times of uncertainty and fear? Furthermore, when faced with similar situations of fear and uncertainty, how can we respond in a manner that aligns with God's will and principles, and what biblical examples or principles can guide us in making decisions rooted in faith rather than fear?
- Where were Jehoiakim’s affections? Why do our affections dictate the way we live? Where should our affections be?
- What does it mean that Jerusalem and Judah were “cast out of His presence”? (ESV) Does the Christian not have to worry about being cast out? Why or why not?
- What was significant about Jehoiakim’s name change? What did he change his name to? Do you think that changing his name was an appropriate response? Why or why not?
Key Words/Phrase
Judgment, vv. 3, 14.
God, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, Zedekiah.
Strong Verse(s)