2 Kings Chapter 2 Summary

Translation of Elijah. Faith of Elisha. Theological students and their unbelief. Elisha's miracle.

Discussion Questions for 2 Kings, Chapter 2

  1. Elisha shows honor to Elijah by following him all the way to the end. How do you show honor to those God has placed in leadership with you?
  2. Elisha’s willingness to stay with Elijah was encouraging. The ministry can be discouraging at times; how can you be an encouragement to those whom God has placed in leadership over you?
  3. If you had the opportunity to ask one thing of your pastor or spiritual mentor, what would it be? What can we learn from Elisha’s request of Elijah?
  4. Why was Elisha’s request for a double portion a hard thing? Was it wrong for Elisha to ask for a double portion? In what ways have you asked the Lord for a double portion?
  5. Elisha’s cloak falls upon Elisha, signifying the mantle was being passed on. How do your spiritual mentors pass the cloak? What would it look like for you to pass the spiritual cloak to another believer?
  6. Elisha calls out for God before striking the water. What do you learn from Elisha’s dependence on the Lord? How had Elijah modeled this trust to Elisha?
  7. How did God take Elijah away? How did Elisha respond to Elijah being taken away? What do we learn about God in how these men responded?
  8. What do we learn from the disbelief of the 50 prophets? Has God ever done anything in your life that was unexplainable? How did you or others try to explain it?
  9. Through Elisha, God heals the water and the land. How have you seen God bring healing to a group of people in your life? Are there times when the healing has been more than physical healing? What were the spiritual results of this healing?
  10. Why did the boys make fun of Elisha? What have others made fun of you for? How have you responded? How did your response honor God? How did your response dishonor God?

Key Words/Phrase

Translated, v. 11.


God, Holy Spirit, Elisha, Elijah.

Strong Verse(s)