2 Kings Chapter 17 Summary
Reign of Hoshea in Israel. Israel becomes tributary to Assyrians. The sins of Israel.
Discussion Questions for 2 Kings, Chapter 17
- 1 Kings 14:15 promises that the Lord “uproot and scatter” Israel. In 2 Kings 17, we see the fulfillment of this promise. What does this tell us about God and His longsuffering? How does the example of God's longsuffering in delaying judgment on Israel until the time of their complete disobedience and apostasy reveal His patience, mercy, and desire for repentance, and what lessons can we learn from this about God's character and His dealings with humanity?
- The people of Israel went after other gods. Their idolatry caused them to forget the one true God. How do you see idolatry in your own life?
- How do idols go after our own sinful desires? Why are our hearts so quick to follow after idols? What are some ways we can fight against idolatry?
- In verse 7, the author reminds the reader of the Exodus. Why do you think that he did this?
- What does idolatry cost us? Is it worth the cost? Why or why not? What are some practical examples or consequences of idolatry in our lives or society today, and how do these illustrate the true costs of pursuing idols? Additionally, how does understanding these costs influence our evaluation of whether idolatry is worth pursuing, and what principles or values should guide our choices in this regard?
- In what ways did Judah not keep the commandments of the Lord? (v. 9) How quickly was the culture changed by this lack of law keeping? How is grace involved in law keeping?
- As Israel continued to harden their hearts to God, what was the result? How does the gospel speak to the situation that Israel has placed themselves in?
- God punished Israel because of their sins and placed Israel into exile from the promised land. What does this tell us about the justice of God?
- As the Assyrians and foreigners filled the land that Israel once lived in, they began to worship other gods alongside Yahweh. Is God okay with syncretism? How does syncretism sneak into our lives today?
- Can you identify instances where successive generations have disobeyed the teachings of God's Word? Furthermore, in what ways does the message of the gospel address and offer redemption for the consequences of generational disobedience?
Key Words/Phrase
Carried away, vv. 6, 18.
God, Hoshea, Shalmaneser, So.
Strong Verse(s)
13, 14, 37, 39.