2 Kings

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  • 2 Kings, Chapter 1: Elijah's message to Ahaziah. Elijah's deliverance.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 2: Translation of Elijah. Faith of Elisha. Theological students and their unbelief. Elisha's miracle.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 3: Accession of Jehoram over Israel. Moab rebels against Israel. Elisha's reproof of alliance between Jehoshaphat and Jehoram. Defeat of Moabites.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 4: Increase of the widow's oil. Woman of Shunom and her son restored to life. Noxious pottage healed. A hundred men fed.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 5: Naaman the Syrian healed by obeying Elisha's word.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 6: Elishia recovers the lost axe. Seige of Samaria by Syrians.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 7: Jehovah's terror upon the Syrians.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 8: Famine predicted. Jehoram restores the Shunanmite land. Reigns of Jehoram and Ahaziah of Judah and Joram of Israel.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 9: Jehu annointed king of Israel. Slays Jehoram, Ahaziah and Jezebel.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 10: Judgment on house of Ahab. Princes of Judah slain. Baal worship put out. Jehu's reign and death.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 11: Royal seed of Judah destroyed. Joash becomes king. Execution of Athaliah. Revival through Jehoida.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 12: Reign of Joash over Judah and his death. Repair of the temple.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 13: Reign of Jehoahaz over Israel and his death. Accession of Jehoash and his death. Elisha's death and the miracle at his tomb.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 14: Reign of Amaziah over Judah. War between Israel and Judah. Reign of Jeroboam in Jerusalem.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 15: Reign of Azariah and Jotham over Judah and Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah, Pekah over Israel.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 16: Reign of Ahaz over Judah. Assyrians take Damascus.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 17: Reign of Hoshea in Israel. Israel becomes tributary to Assyrians. The sins of Israel.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 18: Reign and revival of Hezekiah over Judah. Victory over Philllstines. Invasion of Sennacherib. Insolence of Rab-shekeh.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 19: Hezekiah's message to Isaiah and the answer. Sennacherib defies God. Hezekiah's prayer and the answer through Isaiah.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 20: Hezekiah's illness and recovery.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 21: Evil reigns of Manasseh and Amon in Judah.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 22: Reign of Josiah. Repairing temple and finding of the book of the law.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 23: Law read to the people. The king's covenant and reformations.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 24: Jehoikim tributary to Nebuchadnezzar. Reigns of Jehoikim, Jehoichin and Zedekiah. Deportation to Babylon.
  • 2 Kings, Chapter 25: Seige of Jerusalem and final deportation.