2 John Chapter 1 Summary
Truth and love inseparable in the Christian life. Doctrine the test of reality.
Discussion Questions for 2 John, Chapter 1
- This letter is written to “the elect lady and her children” (verse 1, CSB). What does being elect bring to mind?
- John introduces his brief letter by mentioning “the truth that remains in us and will be with us forever” (verse 2, CSB). What topics would you anticipate him to address in the rest of the letter?
- Verse 3 groups together the words “grace, mercy, and peace” (CSB). How do you believe these concepts are connected in a Christian's life?
- John writes that “some of your children” (verse 4, CSB) were walking in truth. What might have happened to the others? If a person appeared to be walking in the truth but no longer is, do you believe that person was saved in the first place? Why or why not?
- In verse 5, John makes an appeal “that we love one another” (CSB). Why does such a simple and elemental command need to be emphasized?
- According to verse 6, what is love? What is the connection between love and obedience? Why is it important to prove our love for God with obedience?
- According to verse 7, one of the ways people are deceived is by believing the wrong ideas about Jesus. Why is it important to know that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh?
- What do you think it means to “lose what we have worked for” (verse 8, CSB)?
- What is an example of going beyond Christ’s teaching? Why is this dangerous?
- According to verse 10, how should we treat those who would bring false teaching into the church? Why is treating them this way effective and beneficial?
Key Words/Phrase
Truth and love, v. 3.
God, Christ, John, elect lady, anti-christ.
Strong Verse(s)
6, 9, 10.