2 Corinthians Chapter 9 Summary
Offering for the Jerusalem saints. Encouragement for givers.
Discussion Questions for 2 Corinthians, Chapter 9
- Why do you think the Corinthians were eager to take part in the offering to the Jerusalem church? What does this say about their character development over the course of the book? In what areas are you eager to serve the Lord?
- Paul repeats the word “excel” (HCSB) in verse 8 in the same way he uses that word in chapter 9. What do you think is the significance of this word? What does this tell us about growing as a Christian?
- What is the significance of Paul using food and gardening analogies like “sowing” (HCSB)? How does this relate to being a Christian? What ways, if any, does this relate to your life in the present day?
- According to Paul, what does generosity produce? What steps can you practically implement in your life to grow in your generosity towards the Body of Christ and those outside of the church?
- Why does Paul want the Corinthian church to be “prepared” (HCSB) with their offering when he comes? Do you think Paul was worried about what other people might think? How does this “fear of man” play out in your own life, and how would you address it?
- What does verse 5 teach us about being willing givers? How are you tempted to sometimes give begrudgingly or unwillingly? How would you address that attitude in your life or the life of others?
- What is the significance of Paul mentioning several geographical areas in this chapter? How does this help us understand the historical context of the Bible? Why is understanding the historical context of the Bible even important?
- Paul quotes the Old Testament in verse 9. What is God’s view of helping the poor? What should our view of the poor and marginalized be? Has our responsibility changed since the Old Testament times?
- How would you define “thanksgiving” (HCSB)? In what ways do you demonstrate thanksgiving? Why do you think that this is a repeated theme in this chapter?
- What promise is given in verse 6? Does this mean that you will always be wealthy or prosperous in your life, regardless of the circumstances? How would you defend your answer?
Key Words/Phrase
Giving, v. 7.
God, Christ, Paul.
Strong Verse(s)
6, 7, 8, 15.