2 Corinthians Chapter 7 Summary
Paul opens his heart to the Corinthians concerning purpose of his former letter.
Discussion Questions for 2 Corinthians, Chapter 7
- What “impurity of the flesh” might you be struggling with today? How do you practically put away impurity in your life and live more devotedly to God's will?
- Why do you think Paul was “grieved” (HCSB) at the way his letter caused difficulties for the Corinthian church? What does this teach you about the nature of discipline? How have you experienced discipline from the Lord, and what kind of repentance did it lead to?
- Examine the heartfelt emotions that Paul expresses to the Corinthian church. Why do you think it was important for Paul to include such deeply personal emotions when corresponding to this church? How does this impact the way that you should interact with other believers, even if you disagree with them?
- What is the significance of Paul's relationship with Titus? Why do you think that Titus’ presence was so comforting to Paul and the other believers? What does this teach you about ministering to other believers in times of stress and great difficulty?
- What does this passage teach you about grieving? How should a Christian grieve over sin and suffering? In what ways have you experienced grief, and how did you respond to it?
- What role does being “humble” play in the Christian life, according to verse 6? In what other ways does humility impact the way you live and the choices you make?
- Why does Paul tell the Corinthian church to “accept” (HCSB) them? What would have been some obstacles to the Corinthians accepting Paul and his ministry partners? In what ways might you find it difficult to accept other Christians at times?
- Describe “sanctification” (HCSB) in your own words. What does that process look like in your personal life? What do you think Paul meant by this term in regard to the Corinthian church?
- Why did Paul temporarily regret (HCSB) the way his words were received by the Corinthians? What was the result of that regret? What regrets have you had in life, and how did you address them in a Godly way?
- What change of hearts and actions do you see the Corinthians have because of Paul’s letter? Why is repentance so important in the Christian life? What does repentance look like in your life, and how do you live it out?
Key Words/Phrase
Sorrow to repentance, v. 9.
God, Paul, Titus.
Strong Verse(s)