2 Corinthians Chapter 6 Summary

Paul's ministry to the . Corinthians. Appeal to separation and cleansing.

Discussion Questions for 2 Corinthians, Chapter 6

  1. How could Paul possibly make someone stumble? In light of the rest of 2 Corinthians, how could you say that Paul’s interactions with the Corinthian church might have caused difficulty or stumbling to others? Was this a positive or negative stumbling?
  2. What does it mean that “today is the day of salvation” (HCSB)? How does this create a sense of urgency for you in your life and in your witness? What does this say about our role, if any, in the salvation of the lost?
  3. How many difficulties can you count that Paul faced throughout this chapter? Why do you suppose he felt it important to include all of his hardships in his letter? In what ways do your life struggles exemplify God’s work in your life?
  4. What is the importance of Paul “contrasting” all his suffering with the opposite, positive attributes? What does this teach you about responding to suffering in a Godly way?
  5. What is the effect of the transparency that Paul shows to the Corinthian church? Why are openness and honesty important in all relationships? Why are these attributes even more important within the Body of Christ?
  6. What does it mean to be “mismatched with unbelievers” (HCSB)? How can you effectively engage with the lost without being mismatched with them?
  7. What is the importance of Paul quoting the Old Testament in verses 16–18? How does this affirm the reliability of not only Scripture, but Paul’s teachings? How do you incorporate the Old Testament in your understanding of the Bible?
  8. Think about the imagery of the “sanctuary” (HCSB) that Paul uses. What exactly is he referring to here? Why do you think that he uses this analogy to describe God's people even today?
  9. How can you be “separate” (HCSB) from the world? What does this practically look like for you? In what ways does the world try to draw you into going along with sin or other things opposed to God?
  10. How does God “dwell” among us today? Is this dwelling different than what the Israelites experienced in the Old Testament? If so, how is it different?

Key Words/Phrase

Separation, v. 17.


God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul.

Strong Verse(s)

2, 14, 16, 17.