2 Corinthians Chapter 4 Summary
Truth taught, commended by the life. The preaching of the Lordship of Christ. The suffering of true ministers with Christ.
Discussion Questions for 2 Corinthians, Chapter 4
- Why do you think Paul specifically targets “shameful, secret things” (HCSB)? In what ways are we prone to hide our sin, and what is the best way to expose it?
- According to Paul, why can unbelievers not see their sin and need for the Gospel? How are our eyes ultimately opened to the truth?
- What is the significance of describing believers as “jars of clay” (HCSB)? How does that contrast with the glory of God? Why do you think Paul purposely uses this imagery?
- Why do you think Paul describes his suffering as “momentary light affliction” (HCSB)? How can he say they are “light” considering the extreme suffering he faced? In what ways might this impact your view of eternity?
- What does it mean that Christ is “the image of God” (HCSB)? How does that fit into the theology of the Trinity? What does this say about who Jesus is?
- What is Paul's motivation to “not give up” (HCSB)? How do you stay motivated to endure in your faith during difficult seasons?
- What role do you play in extending “grace” (HCSB) to others? What are some practical ways you can do that in your daily life?
- How important is the resurrection to your faith? In what ways do you see the reality of the resurrection in your daily life? What kind of hope does it bring to know we will be raised with Jesus (HCSB)?
- What does it mean that our outer person is “being destroyed” (HCSB)? In what ways do you feel the effects of aging? How does the breakdown of your body give you perspective into the future resurrection and eternal life?
- What does this chapter teach you about the temporary nature of life on earth? In what ways does understanding this change your view of how you spend your time, money, and resources?
Key Words/Phrase
Ministry, v. 1
God, Christ, Paul.
Strong Verse(s)
2, 5, 6, 7, 11, 16, 17, 18.