2 Corinthians Chapter 2 Summary

Forgiving those who have fallen into sin. The ministry of the Christian.

Discussion Questions for 2 Corinthians, Chapter 2

  1. How does it make you feel to read the very personal and raw aspect of Paul's letter in this chapter? How might this change your perception of Paul as an Apostle and Gospel writer? What does this teach you about the character of leaders?
  2. Why would there have been “pain” (HCSB) involved in Paul's visit to the Corinthian Church? What does this say about the reason for Paul's visit? In what ways does this teach you about the harder sides of church leadership?
  3. Who is “that person” (HCSB) that Paul mentions in verse 6? What connection, if any, might this have with the concept of church discipline? What type of “punishment” (HCSB) do you think the church brought to this particular individual? Does your church practice church discipline today? If so, what does that look like?
  4. How are people “taken advantage of by Satan” (HCSB)? What are some specific schemes that Satan uses to lead people astray and lead them to temptation and sin?
  5. What would it look like for someone to “profit” (HCSB) off of God's message? Do you think this still happens today? If so, what might that look like in your culture?
  6. What is the difference between a messenger who comes “from God” (HCSB) and one who might come from the world? How does this relate to pastors, missionaries, and other functions of the church? How do you discern if someone's message is “from God”?
  7. What is the significance of the “aroma” (HCSB) that Paul talks about? How does our sense of smell correspond with how we are witnesses of Jesus?
  8. Why would different audiences “smell” or receive Paul's message differently? What does this say about how the lost world receives God's message as opposed to believers? In what ways could this change your approach to evangelism and sharing God's story?
  9. What does it mean that “God always puts us on display” (HCSB)? Is this for popularity and fame? What do you think Paul has in mind here? How does God “display” you to the world?
  10. What was the primary purpose Paul had every place he went? What does that tell you about his priorities? How does this change your view on what your purpose in life is?

Key Words/Phrase

Forgiveness, v. 10.


God, Christ, Paul, Titus, an erring brother, Satan.

Strong Verse(s)

14, 15, 16.