2 Corinthians Chapter 13 Summary

Closing exhortations of Paul to the Corinthians.

Discussion Questions for 2 Corinthians, Chapter 13

  1. Where does the principle of having two or more witnesses found elsewhere in Scripture? Why is this important to Paul at this time?
  2. Paul apparently thinks he was too lenient last time he was with the Corinthian church. What happens when a pastor is too lenient with his congregation? Why is church discipline such an important part of our faith?
  3. A true follower of Christ has Him speaking within him or her. What evidence do you have that Christ is with you? How does your life before Christ compare to your life now?
  4. Christ gave us the perfect picture of weakness: a humiliating death on a cross. How is a person given strength through his death and resurrection? What does that strength look like?
  5. Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith…” (verse 5, CSB). What does it mean to be “in the faith” according to Paul? Read John 15:1-8. What does it mean to be “in the faith” according to Jesus?
  6. Why is Paul so confident that he will not face the test (verse 6, CSB)? How can you have this same confidence about your faith?
  7. Truth will have the final say, no matter who or what stands in its way. What steps can you take to be a person of truth this week?
  8. What does a fully mature believer look like? Who in your life can you look to that might be an image of this?
  9. Verse 12 is not a command that many people follow today. Why? While this is a silly example, how should a modern reader know the difference between explicit, timeless commands (do not kill, love the Lord with all your heart, mind, and strength, etc.) and culturally relevant commands (greet one another with a holy kiss) for readers of that time? What timeless principle can we learn from this verse?
  10. While the word “Trinity” never appears in the Bible, verse 13 is a trinitarian text. What other passages affirm the doctrine of the Trinity? Why is affirming the Trinity crucial to salvation? What “churches” do not affirm the Trinity?

Key Words/Phrase

Examine yourselves, v. 5.


God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul.

Strong Verse(s)

4, 5, 8. 11, 14.