2 Corinthians Chapter 11 Summary

Paul's godly jealousy for Christ's cause. Warning against false teachers. Paul's enforced boasting.

Discussion Questions for 2 Corinthians, Chapter 11

  1. What does “Godly jealousy” look like (verse 2, CSB)? Why do you think that Paul uses this marriage metaphor in verse 2?
  2. Where else in Scripture does the Lord use a similar marriage metaphor? What does purity mean in the context of marriage? What does purity mean in the context of our relationship to God?
  3. In what way did the serpent deceive Eve? How does this relate to what the Corinthian church was dealing with? Does the serpent still deceive in this way?
  4. What other Jesus, spirit, or Gospel might Paul be referring to? What other “Jesus-es,” spirit, or Gospel might be prevalent or popular today? How can we ensure that we are united to the true Jesus?
  5. What does Paul mean that he “robbed other churches” (verse 8, CSB)? Why do you think Paul would use this kind of language?
  6. What are some markers of false brothers and sisters? Why might a person want to take advantage of God’s people in this way?
  7. Paul was not a good speaker according to verse 6. How can this be encouraging to people today? When seeking out pastors, why do you think churches tend to fixate on a person's speaking ability? Is this a bad thing? Why or why not?
  8. Paul lists off several dangers that he's faced in verse 26: rivers, robbers, his own people, Gentiles, the city, the wilderness, the sea, and most notably, false brothers. Why does Paul consider false brothers as dangerous as all these “actual” dangers?
  9. The 2nd commandment states “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain...” (Exodus 20:7, ESV). How does this relate to 2 Corinthians 11:7-15? In what other ways might we use our faith for vanity? What steps can we take to avoid this?
  10. Verse 28 shows Paul's heart for the church despite the harsh treatment and the danger he has experienced. If you are a leader in the church, how can you maintain a similar posture? If you are not a leader, how can you have a similar posture with those that the Lord has called you to love? Who has He called you to love?

Key Words/Phrase

Paul's glorying, vv. 10, 30.


God, Christ, Paul, Satan, Eve, Abraham, Aretas, governor of Damascus.

Strong Verse(s)

3, 14, 15, 30.