2 Corinthians Chapter 10 Summary
Vindication of Paul's apostleship, and his appeal to Corinthians as brethren in Christ.
Discussion Questions for 2 Corinthians, Chapter 10
- What does it mean to live according to the flesh? Is Paul writing to believers or non-believers? Why is this context important?
- Paul begins this chapter by stating that he hopes that he doesn’t need to be bold when he returns to this church. Why does Paul believe this boldness is needed? Why is a Christian who lives according to the flesh such a big issue for Paul?
- Think about what sins you have struggled with. If you still struggle with them, who can you look to for support and guidance? If you have found freedom from these sins, how can you be an encouragement to people who have struggled the same way?
- Read Matthew 16:18. If this verse is true, why do we wage spiritual warfare? How can we assure victory? What are some examples of spiritual warfare in the Bible?
- What does it mean to “take every thought captive to obey Christ” (verse 5, CSB)? How can you obey this phrase this week?
- We belong to Christ just as much as other believers do, even that one really difficult to love brother or sister in Christ. Why is this sometimes hard to understand? How can we remember this principle when we are tempted to forget it?
- People in the Corinthian church were claiming that Paul was brave enough to write these letters, but not brave enough to confront them. Why might they think this? How are we supposed to confront brothers or sisters in Christ?
- Paul's motive was to be able to preach the Gospel to areas beyond Corinth, but he was stuck dealing with this sin-ridden church. Why was this form of ministry just as valid as his own plan? How have your plans and desires been changed by the Lord? How have you honored the Lord despite these changes?
- What can you boast about that the Lord has done? What would it take to share that with others this week?
- What are you proud of in your life? What would the Lord commend you for in your life? Why do you think these two things are different?
Key Words/Phrase
Boasting in the Lord, vv. 8, 17.
God, Christ, Paul.
Strong Verse(s)
3, 4, 5, 17, 18.