2 Corinthians Chapter 1 Summary

Paul's interest in the Corinthian Christians and his encouragement to them in Christ.

Discussion Questions for 2 Corinthians, Chapter 1

  1. Even though this is at least the second letter by Paul to the Corinthians, why do you think he so formally introduces himself in verses 1-2? How does he identify himself? What does this say about the authority of his writing? How is authority conveyed in messages today?
  2. What word is repeatedly used in verses 3-8? Why do you think that Paul uses this as a common theme for this chapter? In what ways does God “comfort” (HCSB) you?
  3. What do you think is the “theme” of this chapter? What role does suffering play in Paul's life? What role do you think suffering plays in your own life?
  4. What happened to Paul and his companions in Asia (HCSB)? What do you think Paul might be referring to? How do Paul's afflictions (HCSB) in Asia, and elsewhere, underscore his commitment to missions at all costs?
  5. Why did Paul need to “spare” (HCSB) the Corinthian Church by not coming when he expected to? What might this suggest about the purpose of his visit?
  6. Identify Paul's repeated usage of “affliction” (HCSB) and “comfort” (HCSB). Why do you think he uses these terms so often in this chapter? What is the significance of placing these terms side by side?
  7. What is the purpose of prayer? In what ways did the prayers of the Corinthians bless Paul? What role does prayer play in your life?
  8. Why does Paul think it important that the Corinthians “understand” (HCSB) his teachings? What is significant about truly understanding God's Word? What makes God's Word more understandable for you?
  9. Why do you think Paul includes Timothy in his introduction? What role did Timothy play at this time? What might this teach you about discipleship and raising up the next generation of leaders?
  10. What does Paul teach us about “promises” (HCSB) and commitment in this chapter? How would you apply this teaching to your own life as it relates to being committed to God's people?

Key Words/Phrase

Consolation, v. 6.


God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Timothy, Silvanus.

Strong Verse(s)

3, 4, 5, 12.