2 Chronicles Chapter 9 Summary
Solomon and the queen of Sheba. His revenue and splendor.
Discussion Questions for 2 Chronicles, Chapter 9
- Why, after seeing all of King Solomon’s abundance, would the Queen of Sheba add to his wealth? When experiencing the abundance of blessing the Lord had on Israel during Solomon’s reign, her response was to see God as the giver. Is that the response of many people today? How can we better display God’s blessings in our own lives in a way that draws nonbelievers toward Him? Most Christians do not have the blessing of monetary wealth that King Solomon had; what are some intangible things that God has blessed you with, and how can you display them in a way that others can see it as a blessing?
- In verse 8, the Queen of Sheba says the Lord “loved Israel enough to establish them forever” (CSB). Is that true in the way she was thinking? How so?
- In verse 12, King Solomon gives the Queen of Sheba more than she brought to him. How do you think she would have felt in receiving it? What do you think she did when she “returned to her own country” (CSB)? How would it feel for someone who doesn’t know God to receive in abundance from a Christian representing God in the world? Although this verse is talking about monetary and physical wealth, how much richer could the impact be for someone seeking spiritual truth in the world when they hear the truth of God from a believer? How can this chapter encourage you to share the abundance God has given you for his name’s sake?
- Verse 15 details the wealth that King Solomon put into golden shields. Are golden shields useful in real combat? Why do you think the author of Chronicles chose to emphasize King Solomon’s riches rather than his military endeavors?
- What did it mean for Israel that “The king made silver as common in Jerusalem as stones” (CSB) in verse 27? In what regard do you think the Israelites held the abundance of wealth that God gave to Solomon and the nation? What regard do you hold your own abundant gifts in?
- What do verses 22–24 reveal about King Solomon’s political influence? What did the rulers in this period value above monetary and military power? How might modern leaders differ from those rulers? How would they benefit from valuing virtuous actions over wealth and strength? Do you know of any examples of Christian leaders who have been faithful or unfaithful to valuing virtue over power or money? What was the result?
- In verse 29, the author of Chronicles concludes the events of Solomon’s life. Is there any mention of King Solomon going against God during his reign? Are there other places in Scripture that detail any wrongdoing by Solomon? Why might the author have chosen to only portray the positive accounts of Solomon’s reign? What do we learn by looking at his reign from this perspective?
- According to this chapter, what makes someone a good king or leader?
- God gave King Solomon renown across the world. Was Solomon a good representative of God as the King of Israel? In what ways? In what areas of your life do you need to become a better representative of God?
- At the conclusion of King Solomon’s reign, he reigned for 40 years, the same amount of time as his father David. What parallels can be drawn between their reigns, and why would it be significant for both kings to have reigned for the same number of years?
Key Words/Phrase
Fame, v. 1.
God, Solomon, queen of Sheba.
Strong Verse(s)