2 Chronicles Chapter 4 Summary

Further details about the temple.

Discussion Questions for 2 Chronicles, Chapter 4

  1. What would the images of oxen on the metal basins bring to mind for the priests? In verse 4, what is the significance of their placement and orientation beneath the basin?
  2. How was the temple construction planned? What aspects were intentional? Are there any aspects mentioned that do not have meaning? What does this tell the reader about God’s character?
  3. How does the way that meaning is encoded in the temple architecture of ancient Israel differ from modern construction? What are some messages conveyed by the architecture of recent history and the current day, and how do they differ from that of the temple?
  4. How is the function of a modern church building different from the function of the temple? What are similarities they share? What are some relevant aspects of the temple that you notice in this chapter could be incorporated into the way modern Christians build and operate their places of worship?
  5. What does the abundant use of precious metals and craftsmanship communicate about how the Israelites viewed God, and the significance of the temple? How is this applied in modern churches? How do we apply it to our bodies as living temples?
  6. How do the ornate details of the temple highlight its function? What was the main purpose for the temple?
  7. How did the Israelites view their relationship with God? Was it different for a priest or the king? What about this chapter reminds you of how God’s relationship with people has changed?
  8. What is the significance of the number 10, and multiples of 10, being a repeated pattern in the numerology of the temple?
  9. Verses 19-21 detail “all the equipment in God's temple” (CSB). What is brought to mind when you think of these? What sets these things apart from mundane tools? How would the priests see and understand the relevance of the things listed? What are some examples of seemingly mundane things in your own life that are actually of great value because of the way you use them?
  10. Do Christians generally hold holy things with the same reverence as the ancient Israelites did? How is the Christian’s responsibility, in this area, different from the responsibility of the Israelites? Is proper reverence limited to physical things, like the many adornments of the temple, or are there intangible things that Christians should reverently care for? If a non-Christian were reading this passage with you, how would you explain to them the difference between the ancient Israelites’ relationship with God and modern Christians’ relationship with God?

Key Words/Phrase



God, Hiram the artificer.

Strong Verse(s)