2 Chronicles Chapter 33 Summary

Manassah's accession and evil ways. Reign and death of Amon. Accession of Josiah.

Discussion Questions for 2 Chronicles, Chapter 33

  1. What were the consequences of Manasseh’s sins? Why did God allow judgment on the people of Judah because of the king’s sin? What specific sins can you find that resulted in these consequences? In what ways have you seen the consequences of your sin or the sins of those around you, and how did they impact you?
  2. Do you think it’s significant that Manasseh was so young when he became king? How might his age have made him more impressionable to sin? What kind of wisdom might this impart to us today about choosing the right leaders, whether spiritual or secular leaders?
  3. What is so destructive about the sin of idolatry? Why do you think Manasseh went against his father's godly example? How does this explain God's instructions to train up children in godly ways? Does that mean we can't depend on our discipleship in the home to make sure our children turn out okay? How would you explain this seemingly contradictory example?
  4. Why does God allow evil to flourish amongst His people? How does that teach them repentance and restoration? Does that change your view of God? How have you seen God allow evil to flourish in your own life to teach you a spiritual lesson?
  5. What can you discover about the captivity of Manasseh at the hands of the Assyrians? Why is this brutality necessary? Do you think that God allowed this for a specific reason? Why do you think that people in history, and people today, have practiced so many cruel and humiliating acts against other people? What does this teach you about human nature?
  6. How would you describe the circumstances surrounding Manasseh’s repentance? What was the defining action that ultimately led God to listen and respond to Manasseh’s prayer? How would you define true humility, and how have you seen it demonstrated in your life?
  7. Why do you think that both the good and bad deeds of Manasseh were recorded in the “Record of Israel's Kings” (HCSB)? What does this show us about God's use of mistakes to teach us future spiritual lessons? How have you seen God use your past mistakes to grow you spiritually?
  8. What role does prayer play in this narrative and Manasseh’s repentance? What role does prayer play in your life, and how have you seen God respond to your circumstances when you cry out to Him in prayer?
  9. Verse 6 is a horrific and graphic portrayal of child sacrifice. What reasons would Manasseh provide for participating in that? Is abortion a form of child sacrifice? Why or why not? How do you reconcile Manasseh’s actions with God’s forgiveness after Manasseh repented?
  10. How does Manasseh’s leadership affect the physical and spiritual state of the people of Judah? What does this teach you about spiritual and political leadership in your own day and time? How does that impact your view of them, and how you might pray for them?

Key Words/Phrase

Sin, v. 2; repentance, v. 12.


God, Manasseh, Assyrian king, Amon, Josiah.

Strong Verse(s)

12, 13.