2 Chronicles Chapter 31 Summary
Idols destroyed and other reforms of Hezekiah.
Discussion Questions for 2 Chronicles, Chapter 31
- What is the spiritual significance of the people, not just the leadership, tearing down the Asherah poles and altars to false gods?
- How does Hezekiah’s preparations for the temple and appointment of priests and Levites display his devotion? Is this different from the more recent kings of Judah? Even though no one is perfect or righteous apart from Christ, can our small contributions help others to worship the Lord? How can we help others in their worship? In what ways are small things like singing loudly to encourage others, or prayer with those in need, helpful in spurring on our hearts?
- What does Hezekiah’s giving toward the temple offerings display about his leadership? Why is this important?
- How do the people respond to the call for offerings to be made? What does it mean for the people to “give themselves to the Law of the Lord” (ESV)?
- The priests and Levites tell Hezekiah that because of the faithful offering they have had plenty. The people provided through their offerings for those who served the temple. Why was this provision necessary and what was the response of God to the people?
- Have you ever provided for or been provided for in need and seen how the Lord has used this provision to bless you or those provided for? If you provided for someone, how were you blessed in that situation?
- Priests who served forsook other work and spent their lives serving in the temple. How do you view their sacrifice? What would be difficult about it? Would you make this same kind of sacrifice to serve God?
- Priests were called to be holy and set apart as a part of their vow to God. How does this idea describe the call of the Christian as well? How should a follower of Jesus look different from the world?
- What kind of trust did the priests and Levites have to put in God since they were forsaking other work as a means of provision? How does God’s faithfulness in providing for them help you to also live on mission?
- How did Hezekiah perform all these tasks as king according to verse 21? Does this help as he serves or hinder him? How are you actively guarding against being self-serving in your service to others? How does the joy of serving get hijacked when we make serving about ourselves?
Key Words/Phrase
Prospered, v. 21.
God, Hezekiah, Azariah, Cononiah, Kore.
Strong Verse(s)
10, 21.