2 Chronicles Chapter 27 Summary

Reign of Jotham in Judah and his death.

Discussion Questions for 2 Chronicles, Chapter 27

  1. How does Jotham learn from the missteps and sins of his father? How do you teach others to learn from your past sinfulness? Does this require humility and openness? How are you working to build your humility and openness in service to other Christians?
  2. In what ways did Judah fail? What was their specific failure in verse 2? What is this speaking of from the previous chapters? Besides their continuing in corrupt practices, what other way did they sin by not following the lead of their king? How are we to follow the example of Christ, and in what specific ways are you failing in this right now?
  3. How could Jotham, as the king and leader of the people, have prevented their continued corruption?
  4. How does Jotham fortify Judah? How does this fortification help him? What are some spiritual aspects of this physical picture that we can apply to our lives? How do we fortify our spiritual health?
  5. How does Jotham’s expansion of the city and country point to the spiritual necessity of expanding God’s kingdom? How should the Christian guard his or her own life against the enemies of God?
  6. How does Jotham’s faithfulness help him against the Ammonites? How do the Ammonites’ payments to Jotham demonstrate God's faithfulness? What are some times when you can see God's clear provision in your life, and how do you put these memories of faithfulness to work in your daily life and trust of the Lord?
  7. What is the Ammonites’ reaction to their defeat by Jotham? How does this help Jotham and Judah? When God increases our means, does it also coincide with an increase in our responsibility? In what ways are you using what you have to serve the Lord? In what ways are you holding back portions of your life from the Lord?
  8. The Chronicler lists where other information about Jotham can be found in the Bible. How does this change your view of how the Bible was written? Does it add legitimacy and credibility to the text? What are your thoughts on the inspiration of Scripture by the Holy Spirit and how God effectively uses Scripture to speak into our lives?
  9. How can the Christian use these actions of the Chronicler to better explain how the Bible was written and how it is self-attesting?
  10. The Chronicler ends the reign of each king with a statement similar to what is found in verse 9 of Jotham’s life. How does this continued description of each king’s death beatify the life of Christ and His eternal reign?

Key Words/Phrase

Mighty, v. 6.


God, Jotham.

Strong Verse(s)