1 Timothy Chapter 6 Summary

Work of the minister continued.

Discussion Questions for 1 Timothy, Chapter 6

  1. Why are believers called to a higher degree of respect and love towards those who are fellow Christians? How does right conduct within the church serve and promote the gospel outside of the church?
  2. How can believers know that a teaching is sound? What does Paul tell Timothy to do if the teaching is unsound? What does an inability to recognise sound doctrine reveal about a person?
  3. What are the results if someone prefers unsound doctrine? Why is this dangerous and contrary to the gospel? How does this confirm Paul's teaching on self-control?
  4. Paul says that some people confuse godliness with a “means of gain” (ESV). Why is contentment the antidote to this false belief?
  5. What does Paul remind Timothy about material possessions? How does this challenge our cultural understanding about wealth? Where have possessions caused “ruin and destruction” in your life (ESV)?
  6. What does Paul tell Timothy (and us) to do with the craving for worldly pleasure? What does he encourage us to seek instead? Why are these actions linked together?
  7. What model does Paul give us for our confession of faith? In what way are we equipped to emulate this model?
  8. Paul's rapturous praise of Christ comes at a moment in the letter that confirms the believer’s great hope. What is this hope? How does Paul encourage us to live in the reality of that hope immediately? In what ways can we emulate Paul’s example?
  9. What special charge does Paul give to those who are rich? Why is this important for them to hear? How does it both encourage and warn them? What will the results be for the entire church?
  10. What has been deposited in both Timothy and in us? What do we need to do to guard it? How will this help us fulfill the gospel?

Key Words/Phrase

Man of God, v. 11.


God, Christ, Paul, Timothy, Pilate.

Strong Verse(s)

6, 7, 10, 12, 20.