1 Timothy Chapter 5 Summary

Work of a good minister of Christ.

Discussion Questions for 1 Timothy, Chapter 5

  1. What kind of language does Paul use to outline how the members of the church should act towards one another? What does his choice of language imply?
  2. What sober warning does Paul give about each believer’s responsibilities towards his family? In what way does this affirm the gospel?
  3. Why does Paul make a distinction between widows and those who are “really in need” in verse 3 (NIV)? What does this suggest about the way the church cares for its members? How can you look at your own family differently?
  4. Paul is concerned that the church gives “no occasion for slander” in the behavior of its marriageable women (v. 14). Why is this so important to Paul? How does it fit in with his desire to have overseers “well thought of” from Ch. 3: 7?
  5. What is Paul's position on those who are fully financially supported by the church? What does being devoted to the work of the church look like?
  6. Why does Paul consider those who “labor in preaching and teaching” worthy of “double honor” (ESV)? What evidence does he give in support of his points? What does this suggest about the structure and mission of the church?
  7. In what ways does Paul compare self-indulgence with self-control in this chapter?
  8. Why is it important for those in church leadership to do “nothing out of favoritism” (NIV)? How will this promote the gospel?
  9. Paul warns Timothy to be aware that there are “hidden” sins. How do these sins manifest? How does this confirm his warnings in Ch. 3:6 and 5:22?
  10. What special points does Paul give in Ch. 5 for marriage? How does this demonstrate the difference between secular marriage and marriage within the body of Christ?

Key Words/Phrase

Ministerial exhortations, v. 21.


God, Christ, Paul, Timothy, Satan.

Strong Verse(s)

6, 8, 22.