1 Timothy - Chapter-3

Chapter Summary

Qualifications of elders and deacons.

Discussion Questions for 1 Timothy, Chapter 3

  1. What qualities does Paul give for who should be given the duties of teaching? Why?
  2. What is an 'overseer'? What does this word [Grk: episkopos] suggest about the duties of these men?
  3. Why must an overseer be "above reproach" (ESV)? What evidence will be visible in his life to demonstrate this reality? Compare these qualifications with Titus 1:6-9.
  4. What is the difference outlined in this chapter between a deacon and an elder? Why does the church need both roles? (See Acts 6:1-6).
  5. What role does the household play in selecting and preparing elders and deacons for service in the church? What does this suggest about the place of the family in the church's ministry?
  6. Paul calls the church the "household of God" (vs. 15, ESV). What does this household do? What are some of its characteristics? What is its ministry?
  7. What is the "mystery of godliness"? How is it connected to knowing "how one ought to behave in the household of God"? (ESV)
  8. What role does time play in confirming the character of a believer? Why is this important before assigning or appointing church leadership?
  9. Why is it important for overseers to be "well thought of by outsiders" (vs. 7)? How is this connected to the mission of the church (vs. 16)?
  10. What is godliness? What does it look like in the life of a believer? What does it produce?

Key Words/Phrase

Elders, deacons, vv. 2, 8.


God, Christ, Satan.

Strong Verse(s)

5, 16.