1 Timothy Chapter 1 Summary

Legalism and unsound teaching rebuked.

Discussion Questions for 1 Timothy, Chapter 1

  1. Why does Paul begin his letter by identifying himself as an apostle of Christ Jesus? How does this define Paul? In what ways does Jesus define your identity?
  2. What does hope mean to Paul? Compare verse 1 with Titus 2:13. How do we tend to misunderstand the concept of “hope” today? How is hope in Christ different from hope in other things or people?
  3. In what ways are grace, mercy, and peace appropriate for Paul to send to his “true son in the faith” (ESV)? What does this say about Paul and Timothy’s relationship? How does Christ’s lordship make it possible for Paul to send these things to Timothy?
  4. Based on verses 3–7, what are the effects of false teaching upon the church? What does Paul command Timothy to use in place of false teaching?
  5. What appeal does being a “teacher of the law” have for some? What equivalents do we have today to this appeal? Why is it important for us to “use [the law] properly”? (NIV)
  6. Consider the list of the “disobedient” (ESV) and “rebels” (NIV) that Paul gives in verses 9–10. What picture does Paul create for us? Where does he derive this list from? Is the list incomplete? Why or why not?
  7. Why does Paul thank God in verses 1 and 12? How does Paul demonstrate the result of sound doctrine in this? Where can you thank God in your life as an exercise in truth?
  8. What did Paul used to be? What transformed Paul? (see Acts 8:1-2 and 9:1-31). How is Paul's story connected to the points he is giving Timothy on sound doctrine?
  9. Where does sound doctrine come from? How do we recognise and verify such doctrine? What must we do with it, according to Paul?
  10. What does Paul warn will “shipwreck” our faith if we do not hold onto it? As we see in Paul's handling of Hymenaeus and Alexander, what are the inevitable results of this shipwreck? What role does repentance play in this process?

Key Words/Phrase

Vain jangling, v. 6.


God, Christ, Timothy, Alexander, Satan, Hymenaeus.

Strong Verse(s)

5, 15.