1 Samuel Chapter 25 Summary

Samuel's death; David and Nabal. Abigail becomes David's wife, and also Ahinoam.

Discussion Questions for 1 Samuel, Chapter 25

  1. How is Samuel’s death a personal and national loss for both Saul and David?
  2. The author notes that Nabal is “very rich”; why would the author want the audience to know this information? What does it suggest about Nabal's responsibility to his community?
  3. How does David show respect to Nabal? What does this suggest about David’s motives for asking Nabal to reward his men? Is his request reasonable? Why/why not?
  4. What does David send to Nabal? How does Nabal respond? In what ways does Nabal confirm his reputation given in verse 3?
  5. In verses 10-11, Nabal claims that he doesn’t know where David is from or what kind of person he is. Read 1 Samuel 18:6-7. How is Nabal’s response a refusal of responsibility? In what ways is Nabal like King Saul?
  6. What does David decide to do in response to Nabal? How does he allow resentment to cloud his judgment? Where has your resentment against real slights led you to act impatiently? What was the result of these actions?
  7. It is an anonymous servant who approaches Abigal to tell her of the situation. In what ways does God bless the prudence of this unnamed person? What are the results of careful actions and wise counsel in the right ear?
  8. Consider the actions of Abigail in verses 18–19. How do her actions eliminate David’s resentment against Nabal? In what ways does she take responsibility for her husband’s failures? Was this appropriate for her to do? Why/why not?
  9. Though Nabal is a fool, Abigail saves him and his household from destruction. How is she demonstrating Christ to the men in her life? In what ways can you demonstrate Christ’s humility and patience with the difficult people in your life today?
  10. Abigail reminds David of his primary purpose: to become king of God's people. What areas of your life do you need to place back under the reminder of God's purposes for you?

Key Words/Phrase

God avenges (returned the wickedness), v. 39.


God, David, Samuel, Nabal, Abigail.

Strong Verse(s)

28, 29.