1 Samuel Chapter 21 Summary

David flees to Ahimelech and Achish.

Discussion Questions for 1 Samuel, Chapter 21

  1. Consider that David, in flight from Saul, visits Nob, which is the site where the tabernacle stands after Shiloh’s destruction in Ch. 4. Why would David visit this place? What does it suggest about him? How does this contrast him with Saul?
  2. The author notes that Ahimelech “trembled” (NIV) when he saw David and that he asks him why he is alone (v. 1). Yet David and Ahimelech both refer to his “men” (vv. 4, 5). In what ways might David be “alone” even in the company of others? In what ways do you fear being without the support of others?
  3. Why does David deceive Ahimelech about the nature of his visit? Was this problematic? How does this compare with Jonathan’s words to Saul in 20:28-29? When have you been tempted to lie to others out of fear?
  4. Was Ahimelech correct in offering the consecrated bread to David? Why/why not? Read Matthew 12:3–4. What does this suggest about the spirit vs. the letter of the law?
  5. David receives another item from Ahimelech; what is it? How is it a sign of God’s providence to David? When has God provided you with hope through memory of a past spiritual victory?
  6. Some spiritual victories are immediate, while others are slow in coming. Why does God allow for prolonged difficulties in our lives? What benefits do such challenges bring? Where have you seen this confirmed in your own life?
  7. Where does David flee after he leaves Ahimelech? Why is this ironic? How does God use unlikely circumstances and friends to challenge our faith?
  8. How does David fail to trust God in the face of the fear of what others think about him (vv. 11-12)? How does God show himself faithful to David anyway? In what ways are you fearing man more than God?
  9. Compare David’s behavior in the court of Achish, king of Gath, with that of Saul in his own disturbance of spirit. How does their display of madness differ? Why are people ready to believe in the sincerity of foolish behavior?
  10. Read Psalm 34, one of two Psalms written in response to 1 Samuel 21:10-15. What does David learn in retrospect from his experience in Gath? How does his faith in God grow? On what occasion have you seen your own faith falter initially and then grow stronger?

Key Words/Phrase

Afraid, v. 12.


David, Ahimelech, Doeg, Achish.

Strong Verse(s)