1 Samuel Chapter 17 Summary

Defiance of Israel by Goliath and David's victory over him.

Discussion Questions for 1 Samuel, Chapter 17

  1. What kind of threat(s) does Goliath pose? Why are Saul and the people so afraid? Is their fear reasonable? Why/why not?
  2. Consider Israel’s history with sizeable and seemingly impossible foes (see Numbers 13: 26-33). What happened in the past? How has Israel forgotten its roots? In what ways do we reveal a loss of faith in our actions?
  3. Reflect on Saul’s kingship in this chapter. What is he doing/not doing in his role as leader of the people? How does a leader’s apostasy affect his people? How does his behavior confirm the Lord’s judgment in Ch. 15 to reject him as king?
  4. Compare the Israelites with the Philistines. What does each side place its confidence in? Why is this problematic for Israel? How does this reflect unbelief?
  5. Why do you think Jesse’s three eldest sons follow Saul into battle despite seeing David’s anointing by Samuel? How does Eliab’s response to David in verse 28 confirm what the Lord saw in his heart? Why is David going to be a better king?
  6. What do you learn about Jesse and his family in the brief interlude between verses 17–19? What does this suggest about the Jewish family? How does Jesse’s care for his sons provide Israel with a solution to the Philistine problem?
  7. In this chapter we see Saul dress David in his own armor. How does this ironically confirm Saul’s eventual loss of the kingship? How does David’s refusal anticipate that his kingship will be different?
  8. Why does Goliath “despise” David (NIV)? How does this assessment of David reflect Goliath’s understanding of Israel’s God? In what ways do David and Goliath each represent their respective cultural priorities?
  9. Consider the shocking information in verse 50. Where in your life has God demonstrated his sovereignty over an impossible situation? What unlikely sources did God provide for you?
  10. What does Saul’s question to Abner about David’s background reveal about his expectations regarding bravery and honor? How does his perspective echo the difference between Samuel and God’s views in Ch. 16?

Key Words/Phrase

Prevailed, v. 60.


God, David, Saul, Goliath, Eliab, Abinadab, Shammah.

Strong Verse(s)

37, 47.