1 Samuel Chapter 15 Summary

Saul's incomplete obedience and his rejection as king.

Discussion Questions for 1 Samuel, Chapter 15

  1. Samuel delivers a new directive to Saul in his ongoing duties as God’s anointed king. What does God expect Saul to do? What hard things does God ask you to do in obedience to his will?
  2. Who are the Amalekites? (see Ex. 17:8, 14-16, Num 13:29, and Deut. 25:17-19) What does God’s judgment of Amalek tell you about how God sees His people? How could this encourage your faith?
  3. What act of mercy does Saul perform in verse 6? (See Ex. 18 and Num. 10:29–32.) How does this show his nobility? In what ways are we called to be merciful as an act of obedience?
  4. What happens in verse 9 that contrasts Samuel’s words in verse 3? Why did Saul disobey? What does this reveal about his priorities? What does this reveal about his heart towards God?
  5. Why is God “grieved” (NIV) by Saul's behavior? What does this grief suggest about God? How does it affirm both his Providence and the role of the believer?
  6. Why does Samuel react to God’s message with anger? Pay careful attention to the sequence; how does he handle his concerns? What does this model for us today?
  7. Samuel confronts Saul about his behavior in verses 9 and 12-13; how does he challenge Saul’s version of the events? Why is this method one that does not compromise God’s holiness? Where do you need to confront a situation with the truth?
  8. What has Saul fundamentally misunderstood about his relationship to God and the kingship? How do his words reveal this misunderstanding (see vv. 20–21 and v. 30)? Who does he blame for this problem? Why is this an abdication of his responsibilities as a king?
  9. Why are Samuel’s actions praiseworthy in this chapter? In what ways does Samuel behave as Saul should have? How does he confirm what God requires of his people in all circumstances? What does this mean for his relationship to Saul?
  10. What holds Saul back from repenting of his sins? What does this reveal about him? How does this show the justice of God's decision?

Key Words/Phrase

Disobedience, vv. 11, 19, (rejected, v. 23).


God, Samuel, Saul, Agag.

Strong Verse(s)

22, 24, 26.