1 Samuel - Chapter-14

Chapter Summary

Jonathan's great victory over the Philistines.

Discussion Questions for 1 Samuel, Chapter 14

  1. What kind of a man is Jonathan? How is he different from his father?
  2. Consider Jonathan's words in vs. 6. Why would Jonathan not tell anyone except his armour bearer about his plan? How is this an act of faith in God?
  3. Jonathan makes a series of if...then statement in vs. 9-10. Is Jonathan testing God? How does the author affirm his actions? Consider his statements against those of Gideon in Judges 6: 36-40.
  4. In what ways does God show Jonathan favor? How are these events really a victory of the Lord, not Jonathan or Saul?
  5. How are Saul's actions in vs. 18-19 a rash echo of the situation from Ch. 13: 8-10? What does this confirm about Saul?
  6. What mistake does Saul make in vs. 24? How does this put his men at a disadvantage? In what way does this lead to greater sin? Where do we create unnecessary burdens on others in constrast to blessing God's people?
  7. Is Jonathan innocent of sin? Why or why not? Does ignorance relieve us of our responsibility?
  8. How does Jonathan accept responsibility for his actions? Compare his response in vs. 43 with Saul's in Ch. 13:11-12.
  9. Consider what insights we are given into Saul's priorities in vs. 35. When is Saul willing to turn to God? When are we interested in hearing from God? Why do you think this is the case?
  10. How do the people respond to Jonathan's sentencing? What does it mean to 'ransom' something? How does this situation reveal true justice?
  11. What do we learn about the power of oaths in this chapter? How does God deal with oaths? What do you take away about the importance of your words and promises?

Key Words/Phrase

Delivered, v. 12.


God, Jonathan, armor-bearer, Saul, Ahlah, Abner.

Strong Verse(s)

6, 45.