1 Samuel - Chapter-12

Chapter Summary

Samuel's proclamation of the kingdom. Deliverances of God rehearsed. The sign of thunder and rain.

Discussion Questions for 1 Samuel, Chapter 12

  1. Following the establishment of Saul as king, Samuel addresses the people. What points does he outline in vs. 1-2? Why would Samuel want to remind the people of these things?
  2. Who is present to hear Samuel's words in vs. 1-2? Why would this matter? What is Samuel separating himself from? [Hint: see 1 Samuel 8: 3 and 1 Samuel 2: 17, 22-23]
  3. In vs. 3, Samuel asks for the people to "testify against me in the presenct of the LORD and his anointed." What does he want them to confirm? Why would this be important to establishing Samuel's character with his listeners?
  4. How does Samuel switch positions with the people in vs. 6-7?
  5. Verses 8-13 are a recap of Israel's history, from Egypt to their present situation. What do you think Samuel is trying to show the peopl? What do the names he mentions (Moses, Jerub-Baal, etc.) have in common?
  6. What conditional statement [If...then...] does Samuel use to warn the people? What is the warning about? Why is this important for Saul to hear as well?
  7. What does it mean to 'fear the LORD'? Why will this be difficult for Israel now that she has a king?
  8. What special sign does Samuel ask God to show the people that they have sinned? Did he need to do this? How do the people respond?
  9. What does this chapter confirm about the sovereignty and love of God for his people? How has God shown you love despite your mistakes? What are you called to do, just as the people of Israel were called to do? [see vs. 20-21]
  10. Why would it be a sin, as Samuel says in vs. 23, to "fail to pray" for the people? Who do you need to pray for today?
  11. Compare vs. 24 and 25. What final warnings does Samuel set up in these verses? Do you see this situation in your life today? Where?

Key Words/Phrase

Reason (counsel), v. 7.


God, Samuel.

Strong Verse(s)

14, 15, 22-25.