1 Kings Chapter 21 Summary
Ahab covets Nafooth's vineyard. Elijah announces Ahab's doom.
Discussion Questions for 1 Kings, Chapter 21
- Why was the vineyard of value to Naboth? Why is our spiritual inheritance so valuable? What things does the world offer in exchange for our spiritual inheritance?
- What does Jezebel’s scheme remind you of? What are the comparisons between the false charges against Naboth and the false charges brought against Jesus?
- Have you ever been tempted to take something from another person? What was at the root of your desire? How have you resisted this temptation?
- How does God deal with Ahab? How does God’s punishment display his justice?
- Was Ahab the only one impacted by his sin? How does your sin impact others? Family? Friends? Strangers?
- Who else did God judge for the death of Naboth? Why is Ahab punished for the sins of Jezebel? How have you been punished by the sins of someone else?
- How far beyond Ahab did God’s punishment go? Have others been punished by God for your sins? Explain the impact your sin had on other people?
- How did Ahab sin in the sight of God? What idols in your life are evil in the sight of God? What do you consider to be an idol?
- How does Ahab respond to the word of God? How can you learn from Ahab’s response?
- How does God act in response to Ahab’s humility? Why does God pass His judgment on to the next generation? How have you been impacted by the sins of a previous generation?
Key Words/Phrase
Coveting, v. 4.
God, Elijah, Ahab, Naboth, Jezebel.
Strong Verse(s)
3, 29.