1 Kings Chapter 18 Summary

Elijah goes to meet Ahab and gives challenge. Contests with the priests of Baal.

Discussion Questions for 1 Kings, Chapter 18

  1. God spoke to Elijah and told him, “go to Ahab.” How does God speak to us today? How can we know that God is speaking to us?
  2. How did Obadiah serve the Lord when Queen Jezebel cut off the prophets? What are ways we can serve the Lord when leaders stand in opposition to Him?
  3. How did God punish Israel for abandoning His commandments? How does God punish us today for disobeying His commands?
  4. What idols are you tempted to follow? What are the consequences for following these idols?
  5. In what ways do we limp between different opinions about God? What do these differing opinions tell us about our heart?
  6. The prophets of Baal’s emotional pleas did not move their false God to send down rain. How was Elijah’s request different? How can you model your prayers after Elijah’s?
  7. Three times Elijah asked for water to place on the altar. In a season of no rain, water was a valuable resource. What things of value might God ask you to place on the altar?
  8. How did God show his faithfulness to the people of Israel after the showdown at Mount Carmel? In what ways has he shown you His faithfulness?
  9. What does it mean that the “hand of the Lord was on Elijah”? (ESV) What does it look like for the hand of the Lord to be upon you?
  10. How do we trust God when we go through a season of drought? How does God use a season of drought for your good and his glory?

Key Words/Phrase

Challenge, v. 24.


God, Elijah, Jezebel, Obadiah, Baal, — priests.

Strong Verse(s)

21, 37, 39.