1 Kings Chapter 15 Summary
Accession of Ahijam and Asa over Judah. War with Baasha. League with Syria. Accession of Nadab over Israel and Baasha over Israel.
Discussion Questions for 1 Kings, Chapter 15
- What does verse 3 show us about the connection between heart and actions? How would you describe your own heart toward God, based on your actions?
- What is the connection between Jeroboam’s sins and the sins of his father? What are some similar examples of this in your own life or in the lives of people you know?
- How does David provide a good example of a moral life (with an important exception)? What are some examples of parents who give a good moral example in your own life or with people you know?
- What does verse 12 show us about the deep depravity of Israel at this time? How could we apply this as a warning for us today?
- How does verse 13 show Israel’s divided loyalty between God and other gods? What are some examples of this in our own communities?
- Why is it wrong to have high places in verse 14? What do we learn about worshipping God only on His own terms? How can we apply this today?
- What are the positive and negative examples of leadership we learn in this chapter, and how could leaders apply this today?
- Is what is described in verse 15 a good thing or a bad thing? Give arguments to support both views.
- What does verse 26 teach us about how a leader can cause the rest of the nation to go astray? How does this relate to modern nations?
- How might church leaders learn from and apply verse 26?
Key Words/Phrase
Wars, vv. 6, 16, 20, 29, 32.
God, Abijam, Asa, Nadab, Baasha, Ben-hadad.
Strong Verse(s)
4, 11,