1 Kings Chapter 11 Summary
Solomon's heart turned. Chastened of God. Rise of Jeroboam. Death of Solomon.
Discussion Questions for 1 Kings, Chapter 11
- What do we learn about marriage from verses 1–8? What might a better practice of marriage been in Solomon’s life? How does this inform our view of marriage today?
- Passages like these have been misapplied to argue against interracial marriage today. How might you explain the flaws in this argumentation?
- Why would God be angry in verse 9? Do we normally think about God as an angry God, and why or why not? How does God's anger fit with his love?
- How does judgement fit with mercy in verses 11–12? Where else in Scripture and in our lives do we see God judging but also showing mercy?
- In verses 14–15, God uses the nation of Edom. Is Edom then in the right by starting a war with Israel? Why or why not? What do we learn about how God uses people for His plan?
- What does verse 33 teach us about how severe idolatry is? How would you explain what idolatry looks like today to an unbeliever?
- How might this passage be applied to someone not yet married but looking to marry? What lessons about choosing a spouse does it teach?
- How would you relate this passage to Paul's command for believers to not marry unbelievers? How might you respond to someone who says the command is close-minded?
- What is the relationship between Solomon’s heart going after other gods and not wholly belonging to God in verse 4? Is this similar or different to how you would describe yourself? Explain why.
- What does this passage teach about monotheism? How does this inform our view of other religions? How might you respond to someone of another religion who says monotheism is close-minded?
Key Words/Phrase
Backslidden, v. 9 (heart turned).
God, Solomon, Hadad, Pharaoh, Rezon, Jeroboam, Adoram, Ahijah.
Strong Verse(s)