1 Kings

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  • 1 Kings, Chapter 1: David's declining strength. Adonijah plots to seize kingdom. Counter plot of Nathan and Bath-sheba. Solomon annointed.
  • 1 Kings, Chapter 2: David's charge to Solomon, David's death. Execution of Adonijah. Abiathar removed. Execution of Shimei.
  • 1 Kings, Chapter 3: Alliance of Solomon and Pharoah. Marriage with Pharoah's daughter. Loses at Gibeon. Solomon's prayer. His wisdom.
  • 1 Kings, Chapter 4: Princes and commissaries of Israel. Solomon's reign and wisdom.
  • 1 Kings, Chapter 5: Preparation for building the temple.
  • 1 Kings, Chapter 6: Work on the temple begun. Dimensions and materials.
  • 1 Kings, Chapter 7: Work on the temple and Solomon's house.
  • 1 Kings, Chapter 8: Ark brought in; Skekinah glory fills the temple. Solomon's sermon.
  • 1 Kings, Chapter 9: Jehovah appears to Solomon. Covenant made. Solomon's fate.
  • 1 Kings, Chapter 10: Solomon and the queen of Sheba. His revenue and splendor.
  • 1 Kings, Chapter 11: Solomon's heart turned. Chastened of God. Rise of Jeroboam. Death of Solomon.
  • 1 Kings, Chapter 12: Accession and folly of Rehoboam. Kingdom divided.
  • 1 Kings, Chapter 13: Warning of punishment for idolatry. Disobedience and death of the prophet.
  • 1 Kings, Chapter 14: Satan does all he can to hinder the work of God's temple; but when he is withheld for a time, we should be extra zealous in that which is good that we might carry it forward to completion. (Acts-9:31).
  • 1 Kings, Chapter 15: Accession of Ahijam and Asa over Judah. War with Baasha. League with Syria. Accession of Nadab over Israel and Baasha over Israel.
  • 1 Kings, Chapter 16: Evil reigns of Baasha, Elah, Zlmri, Omri, Ahab — kings of Israel.
  • 1 Kings, Chapter 17: Elijah's ministry and prediction of drought. Elijah fed. Raising of the widow's son.
  • 1 Kings, Chapter 18: Elijah goes to meet Ahab and gives challenge. Contests with the priests of Baal.
  • 1 Kings, Chapter 19: God's care of His overwrought prophet. Call of Elisha.
  • 1 Kings, Chapter 20: Ahab's Syrian campaigns and victories. His sin in sparing Ben-hadad.
  • 1 Kings, Chapter 21: Ahab covets Nafooth's vineyard. Elijah announces Ahab's doom.
  • 1 Kings, Chapter 22: Alliance of Ahab and Jehosophat. Ahafo's ultimate defeat.