1 Corinthians Chapter 7 Summary

Sanctity of marriage. Regulation of marriage among Gentile believers.

Discussion Questions for 1 Corinthians, Chapter 7

  1. In verse 1, it is likely that Paul is simply quoting the Corinthian church in a letter they wrote to him asking for his advice. How does understanding this reflect Paul's teaching on the good nature of sexual relations between a husband and wife?
  2. Why does Paul encourage healthy sexual relations in marriage? What are the pitfalls of a marriage that does not have mutual sexual contact? Thinking back to chapter 6 and Paul's teaching on sexual immorality, how does a healthy sex life in marriage help prevent falling into sexual immorality?
  3. Why does Paul recommend that singles and widows remain single? What are the benefits of being single that married couples do not get to experience?
  4. If we take Paul's teaching literally in this chapter, what would you say are the Biblical grounds for divorce and remarriage? Are there any Biblical grounds? How would you approach couples in your church who might have gone against Paul's teaching in this chapter?
  5. Why does Paul recommend that believers should not divorce unbelievers, unless the unbeliever initiates the divorce? How does remaining committed in a less-than-ideal relationship reflect the commitment that God has for His people, even when they are unfaithful?
  6. How do verses 17–24 reflect the Biblical ideal of contentment and Godliness? In what ways might you use this to encourage those who are unhappy in their singleness or other stage of life?
  7. What benefits does Paul list for those who are single? What other practical advantages can you think of for someone to remain single and serve the Kingdom of God? According to Scripture, is singleness valued equally, more highly, or less than marriage?
  8. What are some examples of being concerned with the world can you think of that might burden those who are married? Does this mean that married couples cannot focus as much on the Kingdom of God as singles can? Why or why not?
  9. What is the significance of Paul saying “in my opinion” (HCSB)? If we believe that Scripture is inspired by God, then what role does Paul's opinion have? How do you process the marital guidelines he has given if some are based on his opinion?
  10. In what ways is singleness a gift? How is this different from the modern concept in many churches that singles are not as important as married couples and families? What does this teach us about the value system of God within the Church?

Key Words/Phrase

Marriage, v. 9.


God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul.

Strong Verse(s)

20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 39.