1 Corinthians Chapter 5 Summary
Immorality rebuked and discipline enjoined.
Discussion Questions for 1 Corinthians, Chapter 5
- Why is sexual immorality so devastating to the church? How have you seen sexual immorality destroy a church, and what was the result of that situation?
- What is the significance of the specific situation in this chapter being something “not even tolerated by the Gentiles” (HCSB)? How does this specific sin tarnish the witness of the church to the broader Corinthian community?
- What is the expectation of holiness for believers in regards to sexual ethic? Why is it important to have a Biblical worldview of sex?
- Paul recommending the church to turn over the sinner to Satan for the destruction of his flesh seems overly harsh. Why do you think Scripture takes sexual purity so seriously? And why does Paul deal with it so swiftly in this letter?
- Why is the recommended action for this man to be “removed from the congregation” (HCSB)? How does this underscore a process for dealing with unrepentant sin in the church? How does this passage reflect the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 18?
- What role do “boasting” (HCSB) and “pride” (HCSB) play in tolerating the sin of this particular man? How might pride in your life lead you to accepting or tolerating something that God calls sin?
- On what basis does Paul have the authority to command the church to turn over this man to Satan and remove him from the congregation? How does his position as an apostle impact his relationship with this church?
- What is the relationship between Paul's analogy of the yeast and the Passover? What is the significance of leavened vs. unleavened bread, and how does that apply to the church in this particular context?
- How does the church today practice accountability of its members for sinful practices? Some might call this formal process “church discipline.” How would you outline a biblical process for confronting those in the church who are unrepentant in their sin?
- Why does Paul instruct the church not even to eat (HCSB) with those who claim to be Christian but live in sexual immorality? Does this instruction apply to you today? Why or why not? If so, how would this instruction affect what you do?
Key Words/Phrase
Fornication, v. 1.
Christ, Paul, Satan.
Strong Verse(s)
7, 8.