1 Corinthians Chapter 3 Summary

Hindrance of a carnal state to spiritual growth. Christian service and its reward.

Discussion Questions for 1 Corinthians, Chapter 3

  1. How does the presence of factions within the church reveal spiritual immaturity? What other specific problems does spiritual immaturity produce? How do you personally mature in your faith?
  2. What would cause believers to be envious of one another? How does envy and greed within the Body of Christ hamper their witness to the outside world? What are specific ways that you have been envious of another brother or sister, and how did you put that sin to death?
  3. How would you describe the role of church leaders based on this passage? How does Paul's response to the divisions in the church based on leadership reveal his humility and understanding of the true nature of his work? What are some good examples of humility that you have witnessed from spiritual leaders?
  4. How do verses 6–7 reveal the true nature of spiritual growth and maturity? How would you interpret this passage knowing that the responsibility to grow in Christ is not ultimately up to you?
  5. Why are we so prone to trust in leaders more than God? How does this tendency lead us to make idols of things like politics and positions of power?
  6. What does it mean to build a church on the foundation of Jesus Christ? In what ways might we rely on our own cleverness or skills to try to build a church? How does that ultimately end up?
  7. What does it mean to be a temple of God? How does this inform our holiness, our purity, and our worship in our everyday lives?
  8. Why is the wisdom of this world ultimately seen as “foolishness” (HCSB)? How does this encourage you when you might encounter the world's derision of Christianity as simple or backwards?
  9. What does it mean to be God's “coworker” (HCSB)? How do we truly partner with God in the work of ministry in spite of our weaknesses?
  10. How does this chapter lead you to view church leadership and authority? In what ways does this caution us in idolizing people rather than worshiping the God who created them? In what ways are you tempted to look to people more than Christ?

Key Words/Phrase

Labor, reward, v. 8.


God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Apollos, Cephas.

Strong Verse(s)

9, 11, 13, 16, 19, 23.