1 Corinthians Chapter 16 Summary

Closing instructions and greetings of Paul.

Discussion Questions for 1 Corinthians, Chapter 16

  1. The context of this offering is the famine in Jerusalem. What does this teach you about missions giving? In what ways should human suffering motivate us to be generous?
  2. Why do you think Paul instructs the Corinthians to give regularly and systematically? How does this challenge you in your generosity and giving to your own church?
  3. In what ways does Paul advocate for “proportional” giving? How does this compare with most churches advocating for a 10% “tithe”? How does this impact how you view giving offerings to the church?
  4. Can you remember another time where Paul argued against people looking “down” (HCSB) on Timothy? Why do you suppose that is? What do you think was an obstacle for others in regards to how they viewed Timothy?
  5. Why was it so important for Paul to spend extended time with the Corinthians? What does this say about his discipleship strategy? How do you and your church view discipleship?
  6. Who is Paul talking to when he says “act like a man” (HCSB)? Do you think he is excluding women in this letter? How would you define biblical manhood from verses 13-14?
  7. How many people can you find that Paul mentions in this chapter? In what ways does this exemplify his influence and investment in the lives of other believers? How are you investing your own life into the spiritual growth of others?
  8. What constitutes “the first day of the week” (HCSB) that Paul mentions in verse 2? Does that set a precedent for weekly worship services? How should churches ultimately decide when to worship together?
  9. How many references can you find to “household” (HCSB) or “home” (HCSB)? What does this teach you about how churches were planted? What role does or should your home play in evangelism and discipleship?
  10. What does it mean to “greet one another with a holy kiss” (HCSB)? Are there cultures that still do this today? Why do you think we don't really see this in America?

Key Words/Phrase



Christ, Paul, Timothy, Apollos, Aquila, Priscilla, Stephanas, Fortunatus, Achaicus.

Strong Verse(s)

2, 13.