1 Corinthians Chapter 14 Summary

Prophecy and speaking in tongues. The order of the ministry of this gift in the church.

Discussion Questions for 1 Corinthians, Chapter 14

  1. Why does Paul encourage the Corinthian church to desire prophecy “above all” (HCSB)? How is prophecy superior to the other gifts? How would you feasibly practice prophecy in your own life?
  2. How would you justify Paul's comment that he wished “all” (HCSB) of them to speak in tongues and prophesy, when he mentioned in chapter 12 that not all would do these things? What does this tell you about the intent of Paul in chapter 12? Is it possible that Paul uses sarcasm? If so, why is this important to know?
  3. Investigate Paul’s teaching about prophecy vs. speaking in tongues. What are the purposes of each gift? Why do you think Paul values one over the other?
  4. Why do you think Paul once again presents the allusion of “childish” things? What does this say about the issues within the Corinthian Church? In what ways do you wrestle with putting away childish things and growing in your walk with Jesus?
  5. What is the purpose of church services not being chaotic? What do you think was happening in the Corinthian Church to force Paul to address this? How do these services compare or contrast to your own church service experiences today?
  6. The role of women in ministry is extremely controversial. How would you interpret Paul's admonition that women “be silent” (HCSB) in church? In what context does that apply? Does this apply to all women at all times, or does this apply to the role of women teaching? Why or why not?
  7. How would you interpret Paul's command for women to “ask their own husbands at home”? What if a woman is not married? How do you think this specific teaching applies to women in the church today?
  8. Paul specifically says “do not forbid speaking in other languages” (HCSB). Are different tongues spoken in your church today? How would you apply this specific verse to your context today? How is this practiced in your own church?
  9. According to verse 12, what is the ultimate goal of spiritual gifts? In what ways are you using your spiritual gifts to “build up the church” (HCSB)?
  10. In light of this chapter, would you say that “speaking in tongues” is applicable today? If not, why? If so, how do you see it being used in the Body of Christ today?

Key Words/Phrase

Gift of tongues, v. 2.


God, Holy Spirit, Paul.

Strong Verse(s)

2, 8, 9, 12, 19, 33.