1 Chronicles Chapter 22 Summary

Material prepared for the temple. David instructs Solomon in God's promises. Princes charged to assist Solomon.

Discussion Questions for 1 Chronicles, Chapter 22

  1. Why could David not build the House of the Lord? What would God do instead to have the house built? How does God’s response help you understand the interlinking of sin and mercy?
  2. What can be learned from David’s response to God when told he would not build the temple? What have you personally learned from times God has told you no?
  3. How can this chapter support us when God’s plans are different than our own? How can we not lose sight of God’s heart?
  4. What was the significance of the materials used to build the House of the Lord? Have you noticed any similar patterns with what materials are typically used in structures made for the Lord? If so, what do you think to be the reason for it?
  5. What was required for one's way to prosper? What things did David care most for his son's heart to possess? Why?
  6. What can God’s use of Solomon to build the temple teach us about the way God works?
  7. What kind of leadership do you see David display in this chapter? What drives his leadership? How can we model the leadership qualities we see here?
  8. How does David pave the way for Solomon? How does David treat this preparation? Have you ever been prepared for a big task?
  9. What are some ways we can personally prepare ourselves for what the Lord has in store for us?
  10. How is David’s character as he transitions his son into leadership? What specific aspects of the transition stand out?

Key Words/Phrase

Temple, v. 10.


God, David, Solomon.

Strong Verse(s)