1 Chronicles - Chapter-15

Chapter Summary

Ark brought to Jerusalem in the appointed way.

Discussion Questions for 1 Chronicles, Chapter 15

  1. In verse 1, why do you think scripture states that David lived in many house, but the ark in a tent? What is the relevance?
  2. Compare chapter 13 and 15 of 1 Chronicles. What differences do you see between the two chapters? Has David learned from His past mistakes? Have you ever had a big failure? If so, when a similar situation arose did you do things differently? What was learned from your failure?
  3. In verse 12, we see David speaking to whom? What are the instructions he gives them? In Hebrew the word consecrate is qāḏaš meaning to consecrate, sanctify, prepare, to be set apart. What do you think it would entail to consecrate yourself? Are there times as a new testament believer we should consecrate ourselves or is that covered by grace under the new covenant?
  4. In verse 13, David is clear on why retrieving the Ark of the Lord was not successful the first time, why? Do you think the grace that we receive from the blood of Christ changes how we seek out God? Does God still require the same type of obedience we see in this verse? What rules are New Testament believers to follow? Since we have no rules, do you struggle to walk in grace and not obedience at times? How do we live under grace, but not use it to excuse sin?
  5. Obedience individually and as a nation is a significant theme in the first 15 verses. Do you surround yourself with people who seek obedience in your life? Is there a benefit to having like-minded friends? How can we encourage each other to walk in obedience to Christ?
  6. Read 1 Samuel 16:14-33. What talents does David possess? In 1 Chronicles 15:16, David commands who to appoint the musical talent? Was David capable to appoint musicians himself? Why do you think he did not? Are there things you could delegate, but do not? Why?
  7. In verses 17-24 many names are mentioned and how they would serve in the celebration. Do you use your talents for God? How can you use them in being effective for the kingdom?
  8. What do you think it means God helped the Levites carry the Ark of the Lord this time? Why did they sacrifice 7 bulls and 7 rams? What do you need God to help you carry, and what sacrifices might you need to make?
  9. What does it tell us about David that he did not wear his kings garments, but an ephod like the priests? Do you think his motive was humility or leadership with the priests? Why?
  10. Were the Israelites blessed? How did they celebrate the Ark of the Covenant arriving into the city of David? Do you hold back your emotions when celebrating what God has done? How do you show your excitement/thankfulness to what God has done in your daily life?

Key Words/Phrase

Ark brought, vv. 15, 25.


God, David, Zadok, Abiathar, Michael, Uriel, Asaiah, Joel, Shemaiah, Eliel.

Strong Verse(s)

13, 28.