1 Chronicles Chapter 12 Summary

David's army at Ziglag. The leaders who made David king.

Discussion Questions for 1 Chronicles, Chapter 12

  1. Why did the men join David in Ziklag? Read 1 Samuel 27:1–6. How was Ziklag acquired as a place of safety and why? When God allows your life to detour from your plans, how do you respond? How do we go about not getting too comfortable in the detour?
  2. In verse 2, what is the significance in the mighty men being from the tribe of Benjamin? Why would they choose to follow David instead of Saul?
  3. Why do you think the Gadites defected to follow David? What skills were they known to possess? What talents do you have to offer? Are you using them for God or for the world? How might you go about using your talents effectively for Christ?
  4. In verse 17, David goes out to meet the mighty men from which two tribes? What tribe is David from? Does he accept them into his military immediately because some of them are from the same tribe? Whose hands does he place judgment to decide if they are to be accepted or not? Are you struggling to discern someone’s motive or holding them at an arm’s length not for sure you can trust them? How and what should you do in that situation?
  5. What kind of man is Amasai (v. 18)? How does he know what to say to convince David of his loyalty? What does he say about God? Do you see God’s helping hand around you or in your own life situations?
  6. In verse 19, David helps the Philistines’ battle which army? Why do they not accept David’s help? Read 1 Samuel 26:1-11. Do the Philistines have a reason to not trust David’s loyalty? Do you think David would have helped them if the counsel would not have rejected him? Are you loyal to Christ or floundering back and forth? How can we be loyal to God and not flounder? What is an area in your life you need to be more loyal?
  7. Many tribes come to join David’s ranks; in verse 33, how does scripture say the Zebulunites came? ESV states with a singleness of purpose. They were unified with one purpose and vision. Is the church unified in this way today? How could we be more effective if we were united under one purpose and did not let the small stuff distract us from the larger picture?
  8. In verse 21, how do the warriors become commanders in David’s army? Does our society value hard work to get a promotion, or do some expect to start at the top? How would the world be different if everyone valued hard work?
  9. What does this chapter show us in waiting for God’s provision? Does David go looking for warriors? Are there times we are called to go looking rather than wait? In your life, has there been a time you were called to wait and God provided? What can help us to persevere during the season of waiting?
  10. Verse 40 ends with and there was joy in Israel (ESV). Why was there joy? If you have accepted Christ, you should have joy in your life. Do you have joy? If not, why do you think that is lacking?

Key Words/Phrase

Helpers, vv. 1, 21,


Holy Spirit, David, Amasai, Jehoiada.

Strong Verse(s)

22, 38.