1 Chronicles Chapter 11 Summary
David becomes King of Israel. Catalog of his mighty men.
Discussion Questions for 1 Chronicles, Chapter 11
- In Verses 1-3, what anointing does David receive for the third time? What is different about this time? Read 1 Samuel 16:1-13 (first anointing) and then 2 Samuel 2:4 (second anointing) for reference. HINT: Who was present at each anointing?
- Are there times you struggle to surrender everything to Jesus when there are other options, like we saw with most of the tribes of Israel, taking time to follow in surrendering leadership to king David?
- In Verse 4, what is the name of the inhabitants of Jerusalem? Read Genesis 9:18-25 and Genesis 10:15-16. How does the destruction of the Jebusites fulfill prophecy given in Genesis? Does the Jebusites’ arrogance/pride fulfill the curse of Canaan?
- In verse 9, how is David described in the English Standard Version of the Bible? Did this greatness come quick, easy, or even how David had planned? What in your life needs surrendering of your way/time for God to accomplish His will in your life?
- “These are the chiefs of David’s mighty men, who gave him strong support” (11:10). We are not called to walk alone. Do you have fellow believers journeying through life with you? Why or why not? What steps might you take to make these relationships successful?
- What do David’s mighty men do in verses 15-19? What does that suggest of David’s leadership? How does he respond to this brave, selfless act that was done for him? What has God blessed you with and are you “pouring” any of it out as an offering to the Lord (ESV)?
- This chapter testifies to many brave men. Are you walking in fear or faith? Are you walking forward in faith despite the negative odds that may seem to be stacked against you? How could you walk in faith better?
- In verse 20, we see the phrase being famous (NLT) or winning a name (ESV) mentioned in reference to the mighty men. What do you think your name represents? When people speak of you, how do you think they would describe you? What do you need to work on so that the name of Christ is represented?
- All throughout chapter 11, we see God call some to be leaders and some to be followers. Our society tends to glorify leaders over followers, but it takes both roles to accomplish a task. Which role do you feel most confident in, or do you think God uses you in the most? How can you improve in the role God has given you currently?
- At the end of Chapter 11, we find a list with many mighty men listed individually. Do any look familiar? Read 2 Samuel 11:1-13. Who is Uriah? Why do you think his name is included in the list? If you were Uriah, do you think you would have been as focused in serving the king in battle or distracted by the comforts of home? In what areas are you easily distracted from the mission God has given you to do? What do you need to do to be more focused?
Key Words/Phrase
Annointed (king), v. 3.
God, David, Joab, Jashobeam, Eleazar, Abishai, Benalah.
Strong Verse(s)